Saturday, October 27, 2007

NFL Week 8 Predictions: Half Empty Or Half Full?

Here we are. Halfway home on yet another up-and-down NFL season. As I set out on my trek to be the next great NFL prognosticator, I had high hopes for one big reason – there was no money involved.

If you know me, you know I am many things – a lousy sports gambler being one of them.

Always have been. No reason to think I always will be. But the reason I have enjoyed the art of gambling over the years isn’t for the financial boom or bust – it's the drama. More so, it’s the pride.

Who among us doesn’t like to say, "I was right." And when the banter in your social circle revolves around the world of sports, what better way to strut your stuff than with making the right pick.

So although I abandoned the practice of putting my money behind my picks, I have always kept an eye on the lines as a measure of how I could've done.

After all, a close second to "Told you so" in the pantheon of self-assurance is the good ol' fashioned "would’ve, could’ve, should’ve." Am I wrong?

We love to beat ourselves up over what could’ve been. And what better way to do so then to keep track of the coin you could’ve had with a simple pick.

Of course, the convenient flipside is that when you miss, it’s a reward in itself. "Nice, I knew I shouldn’t have touched that game," runs through my head as I watch my sure thing of the day get blown all to hell.

And all that is a long-winded way of saying I am in awe of the absolute atrociousness of this year’s NFL picks in my weekly war with Craig from Johnny Wishbone.

Did I think I’d be perfect? Hardly.
Did I think I’d miss them all? What are you nuts?
But a track record right around .600 or so seemed a very attainable goal. After all, I didn’t have money on it and that’s when I seem to do best.

But here I am heading into Week 8 at a mark of 38-61-2. Thanks to the handy dandy calculator built into my laptop, I can tell you that gives me a 37 percent accuracy rate.

It’s almost enough to make a grown man cry. Or at least give up altogether and invest in my longstanding fascination with Curling. (For those keeping score at home, I love the Finland team this year – they look real strong and very focused).

Here’s my Week 8 picks. For anyone looking to this column for advice, my God have mercy on your sports betting soul.

My pick in ALL CAPS…

Browns at RAMS (+2.5)
Lions at BEARS (-4.5)
COLTS (-7) at Panthers
Giants at DOLPHINS (+9.5)
Raiders at TITANS (-6.5)
EAGLES (-.5) at Vikings
Steelers at BENGALS (+2.5)
Bills at JETS (-2.5)
TEXANS (+11.5) at Chargers
Jaguars at TAMPA BAY (-3.5)
SAINTS (-2.5) at Niners
Redskins at PATRIOTS (-16.5)
PACKERS (+2.5) at Broncos

Lock of the week: COLTS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is a small chance I will no longer be the CEO of the "Kobe-Haters Association". I know, I thought I would hold this position til death, or at least until he retired... but being the #1 Bulls fan on the planet, I feel it is my duty to welcome him with open arms to the organization.